Blog & News

Knaresborough, North Yorkshire
October 5, 2023

Intergenerational Wealth

This is not an article about inheritance tax planning, per se. Although, I can certainly help if you want advice on the subject and help you not miss out on the valuable allowances available.

August 8, 2023

Cash or Not?

“How much have I got?” “How much do I need?” And crucially to help avoid such losses – “When do I need it?”

July 11, 2023

Mending The Roof While The Sun Shines – 3 Counter Intuitive Tips

With the summer holidays upon us, for some, there is time for reflection and relaxation. For others, it’s a time to maximise work opportunities (especially if you work outdoors) and ‘fix the roof while the sun shines.’

June 13, 2023

The Cost of Education

June was often the month that was crammed full of end-of-term assignments, revision, and exams. There is a value to education of course. Price is only an issue in the absence of value.

May 16, 2023

When Is Your ‘Tax Freedom’ Day?

This year, in light of the continuous high energy prices, higher interest rates and tax changes not keeping up with the inflation levels that remain higher than we have seen for a generation – things are still far from the more stable environments we had come to expect.

March 7, 2023

Spring Forecast – March 2023

Is it all doom and gloom? Well, while the macro environment may be framing our mindset one way, one defence we can all use is our ‘present’ behavioural bias so that we value and maximise what is ‘in front of us today.’

February 7, 2023

The cost of Cash in an ISA

We are approaching ‘ISA season’ when financial advisers typically draw their clients’ attention (rightly) to the benefits of sheltering their hard earned in an ISA. However, it’s also worth considering what the money in your ISA is actually in – is it in cash, or is it invested in stocks and shares?

January 24, 2023

Something Different

As individuals, we usually have a bias towards ‘now’. But at this time of year that bias changes in an important way and is to do with our length of focus. Our natural bias is to focus on the ‘short term’.

January 17, 2023

Maximising Tax Allowances – Carry Forward

Most of us understand the benefits of investing tax efficiently. Using the tax allowances, such as ISAs, provided by the government each year means we can avoid paying unnecessary tax. However, many of us are missing out on the valuable tax savings available through our pensions.

August 24, 2022

Company Year End – MONTH 2

If you read my blog last month you will recall I covered the issues facing a business owner at year-end. As mentioned, this article is aimed at business owners who are approaching their business’ year end and how this might affect your personal financial planning, including your mortgage and pension planning.

August 24, 2022

Company Year End

To save you time, this article is aimed at business owners who are approaching their business’ year end. If you don’t run you own business, then the article will have limited benefit to you. I suggest you might want to ‘move on’ to reading something more relevant and pertinent to you. You might, however, find something of interest. Whether you read on or move on, thank you for your time.

August 24, 2022

Employee with Bonus – MONTH 2

You may recall in my blog last month; I discussed the different ways you might want to consider using any bonus you may be looking forward to receiving soon. A month further on and that bonus may only be a few weeks away, and time is running out for you to make some decisions.